Summer Fun!

Summer Fun!

Friday, August 19, 2011


I have realized that I have not posted since we have moved! We are in and it is great to have space. We have lots of unfinished projects but they will get done some day. We enjoyed a few lake trips with friends and family, the girls first parade, visiting friends, seeing animals at the fair, and some good pool time :) The girls are saying more and more everyday as well as being more independent and looking less alike each day! It is so much fun and I laugh all the time!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Extremely overdue!

There is so much that I need to get caught up on. Yes the girls had a wonderful birthday party and Holidays. They looked adorable in their birthday tutus! They were more excited about paper and boxes for all of the presents and yes again they were spoiled. Christmas was low key and we enjoyed having them home! We did some swimming and Haylen really got into the splashing.

We have started on our house and Clint is making great progress. Only a bit of siding left to do, the inside is ready to be primed and textured, and I believe they are ready to turn on the heating system! We have enjoyed the family and friends that have joined us to work! Now just waiting on more lookers for our current house :)

The girls have been sledding and really thought it was great. We celebrated the one year anniversary of them coming home from the hospital last week and today they are 15 months old!!!! For Christmas we took gift to the hospital NICU as we were given many gifts this year. My family did some great work in getting burp cloths ready to go for all of the babies.

Taking steps? NO they have walking mastered! They are saying mama, dada, book, and starting to say up. They have a few "signs" down pat too. I thought they would never figure the eating thing out but they are getting it. Taya will eat about anything and loves her veggies, Haylen is more picky and prefers tacos, go figure :) They are getting themselves off of the furniture and love to sit on the back of the couch watching outside. They do not quite have the waving thing down though.

The girls had great one year follow up appointments with many people and everyone is suprised how much they are doing which is great. They are catching up very fast! They are hanging aroung the 19 pound number but Haylen has surpassed Taya. She was always 6 ounces behind and now about 6 ounces ahead. She is also about an inch taller. They continue to get their RSV shots every 28 days, not fun but helps protect them.

It has been a great few months, they are learning so much and can always make us laugh!