The girls are now 9 months old! At their appointment Taya weighed 17lbs 6oz, and Haylen was 17lbs 1oz. It is up for debate, but Haylen might be an inch longer. They are doing good on the growth chart. About the 20th percentile. This means they can get off the super formula. They went to the Blank Developmental Clinic a week earlier and they were pleased with their progress as well. They are doing stuff at about the 7 month level based on that assessment. Taya did have one therapy session that she aced, so she no longer needs therapy.
The girls have mastered sitting and now are working on getting in and out of sitting. They also like to stand at the cube which is full of their toys. Taya is quite a commando crawler. She is pretty fast. Haylen has just figured out how to move forward. They are getting good at eating. Everything has been liked with the exception of peas and bananas. They are interacting with each other more. They hold hands, make each other laugh, take each others toys, and pull one another down.
The girls went to the state fair, another family reunion, a Lake of the Ozark trip, and watched mud volleyball. It has been a fun summer although quite a bit different than those past. Even though we have been boating, our own boat has yet to make it out of the garage!
Check out the dolls in the pics. Yes they are they same ones that were the same size as the girls in the beginning:)