We had some great gifts from the girls when we got to the hospital for Christmas, they had pictures taken in stockings and pictures taken together! Over the last week the girls have really grown. You can see that they are looking more like typical babies. Their bellies are getting round and they seem longer. They both gained 1/2 pound in the week.
Taya is still doing well. She is teetering on the line of needing a blood transfusion. Both girls had eye exams, they definately don't like this much, but an ok report, slightly premature. Haylen was able to get her PIC line out. This meant they had to give her antibiotic through regular IV and because they have used so many she got to wear what we call her party hat. This is when they put an IV in her head and cover it with a medicine cup so it looks like a party hat. She has since had her last antibiotic. She then also got a bath.
The girls had a big present for the grandparents for Christmas. Since they hit a weight requirement they could begin to be in their isolettes without the temperature prob so that they learn to regulate their own temps. They did well so this means that they can come out to be held 2times in a day. They did good with this also, so we had the option to let grandparents hold them! The girls (and the grandparents) did very well!